African Scenary: Urban
Please Note: All pictures are Copyright (c) 1986-1998 Dave Meckanic. All Rights Reserved.
Johannesburg, afternoon, I think it was the R22 highway, anyway, the just north of the N13 and travelling west from the N1. The tallest building is the Carlton Centre. Shot with 400 ASA, 50mm/f11.
'Moonlight', a study in the shades of same. Johannesburg, from my backyard at about 2:00am, shot with 400 ASA, 50mm @ f1.4, manual shutter for 3 seconds.
'The Lone Star', a study in sheer levels, there are 3 in this pic centre around the brightest star. One cloud set moving south (south is to the left), one moving east and the other moving west. Johannesburg is on a plateau and has a major thermal inversion, wierd wind patterns. Picture was shot in my front yard at 3:00am, 400 ASA, 50mm/f1.4, manual shutter open for 30 seconds.